Women in Pharma’s Sarah Sowerby: My career so far
By Chris Wheal
March 13, 2024

Sarah Sowerby: "I just love this industry and the wonderful opportunities it gives us"
Sarah Sowerby is founder of healthcare content agency
Wordbird and co-founder of Women in Pharma.
What and when was your first job in the sector?
I started in a healthcare advertising agency called Luxford
Advertising on Valentine’s Day 1990 as a copywriter - it was love at first
Who was your biggest mentor and why?
I would have to say my business coach Louisa Pau, who has
always had utter belief in me, even when I had lost belief in myself. I would
also add an amazing woman called Sandy Wilson at QUIT stop smoking charity. She
had campaigned with Esther Rantzen and
her late husband Des Wilcox and frequently got us in the news. She showed me
what it was to appear fearless. I also worked for the legendary health
advertising creative director Frank Walters for 12 years. Frank helped me hone
my creative art and showed me how to create the right environment for
award-winning creativity. And of course, Miriam Kenrick, my Women in Pharma co-founder
who inspires me every day.
What was your biggest career break and how did it happen?
Every break has brought me to this point - they all mattered.
Did you plan your career, or did you take opportunities as they came?
I have never planned my career. I started my first business
at 44, years after my peers. I never believed I could do that earlier in my
career. Now I’m doing even braver stuff with the Women in Pharma
#beyondbikinimedicine campaign. I just love this industry and the wonderful
opportunities it gives us.
What do you know now that you wish you’d known earlier?
How brave I actually am.
What advice would you give to someone considering a career in the sector?
This is the most wonderful place to make your difference in
the world. Do not hesitate.